Financial Aid Review Procedures

Satisfactory academic progress is measured at the end of each semester, including summer. The Financial Aid Office will determine each semester whether a student has successfully completed the minimum expected number of hours with the required GPA and shows progress toward the educational outcomes for all completed semesters. Grades of “W,” "WX," “F," "FN" and “I” will not be treated as successfully completed coursework but will be calculated for satisfactory academic progress. The grades of “F” and "FN" will also be used in calculating the GPA. Grades of “A,” “B,” “C” and “D” will be treated as successfully completed coursework and will be taken into consideration when calculating the number of hours completed and the GPA. Financial aid will not be provided for courses taken by audit, credit hours earned by placement tests, or for any non-credit course work not leading to a certificate or degree.

Financial Aid Warning and Probation

Following the first semester in which the standards of academic progress are not met, a student will be placed on warning for the next semester of enrollment. A student who fails to meet the standards of academic progress during the semester of attendance while on warning will be placed on probation for financial aid purposes and ineligible for further funding, unless an appeal is submitted and approved.  Students who have exceeded 150 percent of their program hours (see time frame) are automatically placed on financial aid termination and are ineligible for financial aid, including all loan programs. Any student with a bachelor’s degree or higher is automatically placed on termination and must submit an appeal or apply for a private student loan.

Financial Aid Appeals Procedures

A student who loses financial aid eligibility may appeal to the Student Financial Aid Appeals Committee for consideration of mitigating circumstances. Financial Aid Appeal Request forms are available online and must provide supporting documentation regarding circumstances.  Appeals are considered for extenuating circumstances such as serious personal injury, illness, death in the immediate family or undue hardship. Students who have their appeals approved will be placed on financial aid probation with an academic plan and may continue receiving financial aid provided student meets the terms and conditions set forth in the approved academic plan. This requirement must be maintained until the student completes the plan or is no longer failing the satisfactory progress requirements. Check with the Financial Aid Office for appeal dates and deadlines. If an appeal is denied, the student may request to meet with the Appeals Committee only if new or additional documentation can be provided to revisit request. Decisions of the Appeals Committee are final and cannot be contested or appealed by any individual or entity. Students may appeal two times during their entire enrollment at COM.

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