The Library is located on the first floor of the Learning Resources Center, Building 8. Library staff are available to help students with research, grabbing citations, or other library questions. Students can ask questions face to face, call, text, email or via live chat from any library page
College Level Resources
The Library provides access to the college level resources that students and instructors love. Books, eBooks, articles, streaming media and primary sources are all available. The content can all be accessed on or off campus 24/7 from the Library's A-Z Databases page
Textbooks & Reserves
The Library has textbooks placed on reserve by your instructors as well as other items such as anatomy models and geology rock samples. You can see what's available by course and learn about scanning chapters at
Library Guides
The Library has guides that are available 24/7 on or off campus. The guides curate the best resources for your courses by subject, as well as "how to" and tip guides that show students how to grab citations, find scholarly articles, use databases and more. Guides can be browsed at
Library Spaces
The Library has great places to read, study, charge devices, make copies and digital scans, and even to de-stress with puzzles, chess, backgammon and more. Study rooms can be reserved online at
Library Computer Lab
The Library Computer Lab, located on the main floor of the Library, has staff ready to assist all students with techy questions. Students can access MS Office and other great software on lab computers, as well as access the library's great online resources. To use a computer, sign-in at the Library Lab desk and use any computer in the Lab. You can learn more about what the lab has to offer online at
Library Hours
- Monday - Thursday, 7:30 AM to 8:00 PM
- Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
- Saturday, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
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