Prior to registering for classes, students should carefully plan a schedule that follows their degree plan and identified pathway. When it is necessary to add and/or drop courses during the registration period, students can make these changes online; however, students cannot drop developmental or co-requisite courses during this period without the assistance of an Academic Advisor. After the registration period ends, course changes must be processed through an Academic Advisor.
Withdrawal from All Classes
Students planning to withdraw from the College must see an Academic Advisor. Students officially withdrawing from all classes at once will be assigned the status of “WX” so that these drops will not count against the six drop limit. Withdrawal is not considered official unless it is initiated by the student.
Withdrawal from a Class
Student planning to officially withdraw from a class after the registration period ends must see an Advisor. The following guidelines determine grades for an official withdrawal:
- When a student withdraws before Census Day (as indicated on the Academic Calendar), the course will not appear on the student’s permanent record.
- When a student withdraws after Census Day (as indicated on the Academic Calendar) but before “W” day, a grade of “W” will appear on the student’s permanent record.
Instructor-Initiated Drop
When, in the judgment of the instructor, a student has been absent enough times so that it is unlikely the outcomes of the course will be achieved, the instructor may drop the student by notifying the Admissions and Records Office. The student will receive a grade of “W” for that course.
Six Drop Rule
By State law, all students enrolling for the first time at any Texas public college or university after Fall 2007 will be limited to six course withdrawals (drops) during their academic career. Drops include those initiated by students or faculty and withdrawals from courses at other Texas public institutions. This policy does not apply to courses dropped prior to Census Day or complete withdrawals from the college. Students should fully understand this drop limit before dropping any courses. Once the six course drop limit has been reached, students will not be allowed to drop. A students drop count will be recorded on their Academic Transcript. Exemptions may be granted due to extenuating circumstances. Students with questions regarding the Six Drop Rule should reach out to their Academic Advisor.