Welding Technologies

The Welding Technology Program prepares students for a career in welding through hands-on, real-world welding training.  Welding instruction is provided with carbon steel, stainless steel plate and pipe in all positions using GTAW, SMAW, GMAW and FCAW processes along with PAC (plasma arc cutting) and Oxy-fuel operations. 

Students will attain a wide variety of marketable skills while being taught introductory and advanced welding methods.  College of the Mainland offers a career pathway in Welding Technologies that allows students to complete a number of welding programs that qualify students to take a national certification exam.

Graduation Requirements

To be eligible for a Certificate or Associate of Applied Science degree in Welding Technology, students must have

  • Completed the prescribed courses listed in this Catalog with an overall grade point average of 2.0 or better
  • Passed each class listed in the prescribed course of study with a grade of “C” or better
  • Met any individually prescribed behavior or remediation related requirements.

Effective September 1, 2017, HB 1508 amends the Texas Occupations Code Section 53 that requires education providers to notify potential or enrolled students that a criminal history may make them ineligible for an occupational license upon program completion.  Program specific information will be provided in course syllabi.

Stackable Credentials

Full-Time Schedules 

Certificate - Entry Level Welding (Full-Time)

Certificate - Advanced Level Welding (Full-Time)

Associate of Applied Science - Welding (Full-Time)

Certificate - Entry Level Welding

Level One Certificate

Upon completion of the entry level welding certificate program, students will demonstrate competency in performing a bend test on a vertical 3G V-groove.   This bend test incorporates the essential welding skills assessed in the Entry Level Welding certificate courses and prepares students for the welding industry pre-job qualification tests.  This test serves as the capstone experience for the Entry Level Welding certificate.

Full-Time Student Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
Semester #1 (Fall)Semester Credit Hours
WLDG 1428 Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 4
WLDG 1434 Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc (GTAW) Welding 4
WLDG 1430 Introduction to Gas Metal Arc (GMAW) Welding 4
 Semester Credit Hours12
Semester #2 (Spring)
WLDG 1425 Introduction to Oxy-Fuel Welding and Cutting 4
WLDG 1457 Intermediate Shielded Metal Arc (SMAW) Welding 4
WLDG 1412 Introduction to Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) 4
 Semester Credit Hours12
 Total Semester Credit Hours24

Certificate - Advanced Level Welding

Level One Certificate

Upon completion of the advanced level welding certificate program, students will demonstrate competency in performing a bend test on 5G-2” carbon steel pipe (combo and restricted).  This bend test incorporates the essential welding skills assessed in the Advanced Level Welding certificate courses and prepares students for the welding industry pre-job qualification tests.  This test serves as the capstone experience for the Advanced Level Welding certificate.

Full-Time Student Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
Semester #1 (Fall)Semester Credit Hours
WLDG 1428 Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 4
WLDG 1434 Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc (GTAW) Welding 4
WLDG 1430 Introduction to Gas Metal Arc (GMAW) Welding 4
 Semester Credit Hours12
Semester #2 (Spring)
WLDG 1425 Introduction to Oxy-Fuel Welding and Cutting 4
WLDG 1457 Intermediate Shielded Metal Arc (SMAW) Welding 4
WLDG 1412 Introduction to Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) 4
 Semester Credit Hours12
Semester #3 (Summer)
WLDG 1435 Introduction to Pipe Welding 4
WLDG 2451 Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc (GTAW) Welding 4
 Semester Credit Hours8
Semester #4 (Fall)
WLDG 2406 Intermediate Pipe Welding 4
WLDG 2413 Welding Using Multiple Processes 4
 Semester Credit Hours8
 Total Semester Credit Hours40

Associate of Applied Science - Welding

Upon completion of the AAS welding degree program, students will demonstrate competency in performing a bend test on 6G-2” carbon steel pipe (combo and restricted).  This bend test incorporates the essential welding skills assessed in all courses leading to the AAS and prepares students for the welding industry pre-job qualification tests.  This test serves as the capstone experience for the AAS Welding degree.

Full-Time Student Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
Semester #1 (Fall)Semester Credit Hours
WLDG 1428 Introduction to Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) 4
WLDG 1434 Introduction to Gas Tungsten Arc (GTAW) Welding 4
WLDG 1430 Introduction to Gas Metal Arc (GMAW) Welding 4
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Semester #2 (Spring)
WLDG 1425 Introduction to Oxy-Fuel Welding and Cutting 4
WLDG 1457 Intermediate Shielded Metal Arc (SMAW) Welding 4
WLDG 1412 Introduction to Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) 4
MATH 1332 Contemporary Math (Quantitative Reasoning) 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
Semester #3 (Summer)
WLDG 1435 Introduction to Pipe Welding 4
WLDG 2451 Advanced Gas Tungsten Arc (GTAW) Welding 4
 Semester Credit Hours8
Semester #4 (Fall)
WLDG 2413 Welding Using Multiple Processes 4
WLDG 2406 Intermediate Pipe Welding 4
HIST 1301 U S History I 3
 Semester Credit Hours11
Semester #5 (Spring)
Select from one of the following: 3
Introduction to Ethics  
Art Appreciation  
Music Appreciation  
GEOL 1403 Physical Geology 4
WLDG 2453 Advanced Pipe Welding 4
 Semester Credit Hours11
 Total Semester Credit Hours60
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