Information Technology - Programming

The Occupational Skills Award and Certificate in the Computer Information Systems program are designed to provide students with skills needed in various aspects of information technology. Students will have the ability to gain knowledge and skills required to pass a variety of industry recognized certifications. Certificates are offered in the areas of programming, database administration, computer maintenance and networking.

Stackable Credentials

Full-Time Schedules

Occupational Skills Award - SQL Server Database Fundamentals (Full-Time)

Certificate - Programming (Full-Time)

Occupational Skills Award - SQL Server Database Fundamentals

This Award consists of three of the first-semester courses in the Programming Certificate. This award leads students to the Programming Certificate.

Full-Time Student Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
Semester #1Semester Credit Hours
COSC 1301 Introduction to Computing 3
COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I 3
ITSW 1307 Introduction to Database 3
 Semester Credit Hours9
 Total Semester Credit Hours9

Certificate - Programming

Level One Certificate

This Certificate consists of a broad range of Information Technology (IT) courses designed to provide graduates with skills needed to work as an IT professional. This certificate is completed in three semesters with 35 credit hours. Students work part time as an intern during the last semester.

Full-Time Student Schedule

Plan of Study Grid
Semester #1Semester Credit Hours
IMED 1316 Web Design I 3
COSC 1336 Programming Fundamentals I 3
ITSE 1391 Special Topics in Computer Programming - Uipath I: Robotic Process Automation Design and Development 3
ITSW 1391 Special Topics in Data Processing Technology/Technician - Blue Prism I: Fundamentals of Robotic Process Automation Using Blue Prism Tools 3
 Semester Credit Hours12
Semester #2
COSC 1301 Introduction to Computing 3
IMED 2315 Web Design II 3
COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals II 4
ITSC 1392 Special Topics in Data Processing and Data Processing Technology/Technician - Blue Prism II: Development of Robotic Process Automation Using Blue Prism Tools 3
 Semester Credit Hours13
Semester #3
COSC 2336 Programming Fundamentals III 1 3
ITSW 1307 Introduction to Database 3
ITSE 1380 Cooperative Education - Computer Programming 3
 Semester Credit Hours9
 Total Semester Credit Hours34

Capstone course

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