Academic Transfer and Workforce Education Programs

Academic Transfer Programs

The degrees that transfer to four-year colleges and universities are the Associate of Arts, the Associate of Arts in Teaching, and the Associate of Science degrees. Degrees with emphasis are guidelines to a four-year degree. When planning a program and selecting electives, the student should become acquainted with the requirements of the major department in the college or university to which he/she expects to transfer. To count toward an Associate of Arts, Associate of Arts in Teaching or Associate of Science degree at College of the Mainland, courses must be academic transfer courses (in the ACGM).

The following departments offer academic transfer courses: Business, Fine Arts, Humanities, Math & Computer Science, Science and Engineering, Public Service Careers and Social/Behavioral Sciences. 

Associate of Arts Degree (AA)

Students completing an Associate of Arts (AA) degree at COM will meet the following requirements:

  1. Complete a minimum of 60 semester credit hours that may be comprised of courses from the core curriculum, institutional requirements, and Fields of Study.
  2. Maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA). Only credit-bearing College of the Mainland courses will be used to calculate a GPA.
  3. Complete last 15 credit hours toward this degree at COM, with the exception of reverse transfer.
  4. Satisfy TSI liability.

Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) Degree

The Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) degree is a collegiate degree program consisting of lower-division courses intended for transfer to baccalaureate programs that lead to initial Texas teacher certification. COM offers three AAT curricula, and they are intended to be fully transferable to any Texas public university offering baccalaureate degree programs leading to these initial teacher certifications. Students who complete the AAT degree will, however, be required to meet any and all entrance requirements of the receiving university and the educator preparation program, including grade point average and/or testing requirements. Students are advised to consult with the receiving institution’s advisement staff for requirements unique to that institution.

Associate of Science (AS) Degree

Students completing an Associate of Science (AS) degree at COM will meet the following requirements:

  1. Complete a minimum of 60 semester credit hours that may be comprised of courses from the core curriculum, institutional requirements, and Fields of Study.
  2. Maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA). Only credit-bearing College of the Mainland courses will be used to calculate a GPA.
  3. Complete last 15 credit hours toward this degree at COM, with the exception of reverse transfer.
  4. Satisfy TSI liability.
Please refer to the specific Associate of Science (AS) degree plans. For information pertaining to degree plans, please call 409-933-8379 or consult an Academic Advisor or a faculty adviser in your area of interest.

It is highly recommended that a student pursuing any of the above majors consult with a science or mathematics faculty member for advisement during the first semester of attendance at COM.

Workforce Education Programs

A workforce education program consists of a coherent sequence of courses designed to prepare students for employment in a career field. Workforce education programs at COM are developed in close cooperation with business and industry to satisfy a need for timely and effective workforce education. COM offers Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees as well as workforce certificates, providing students the necessary academic skills and the workforce skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to attain entry-level employment in a target occupation.

Associate of Applied Science

The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is a workforce education degree and is designed for preparation for employment or the enhancing and upgrading of skills. The AAS is not a transfer degree, but some of the courses required for the AAS will transfer. Students should check the University Parallel Program and confer with Academic Advisors both at COM and at the next institution regarding the transfer of technical specialty courses.

Overall requirements for the AAS degree vary with each program area, but the standard requirements for any AAS degree are as follows:

  1. Completion of 60 semester credit hours, with at least 50 percent from technical specialty courses. The 60 hour total must have a minimum of 15 hours of general education courses, which must include one course in each of the following three areas:
    • Math/Natural Sciences
    • American History/Government-Political Science/Social-Behavioral Sciences
    • ​Language, Philosophy and Culture/Creative Arts
  2. Business and industry experts should provide substantial input into the curriculum design of a workforce education program, including profession-specific knowledge, skills, and abilities and general skills as appropriate, such as oral and written communication, mathematics, computer literacy, and industry-related workplace practices.
  3. Completion of the last 25 percent of the credit hours toward this degree must be earned at COM.


COM offers a number of workforce certificates, providing students the opportunity to pursue a career pathway in increments. Workforce education programs are designed to prepare students for employment in a career field, while offering multiple entry and exit points, enabling students to work in their career field while transitioning to the next level of education. The following types of certificates are offered at College of the Mainland:

Level One Certificate (CERT1)

A workforce certificate consisting of between 15-42 credit hours which can be completed in one calendar year or less. Students who have a CERT1 declared major are exempt from TSI requirements. CERT1s prepare students for entry level work in a chosen career pathway.

Level Two Certificate (CERT2)

A workforce certificate consists of between 30-51 credit hours. Students who have a CERT2 declared major are subject to the TSI requirements and may be subject to other eligibility requirements as determined by COM. CERT2s prepare students for entry or advanced level work in a chosen career pathway.

Level One and Level Two certificates offered by COM have been approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and other appropriate certification agencies or boards. Course requirements for each Certificate program are given in this section of the catalog. Certificates are awarded to students who successfully complete approved programs.

Enhanced Skills Certificate (CERT3) 

A workforce certificate consists of between 6-12 credit hours. An Enhanced Skills Certificate is an optional certificate associated with an AAS or AAA degree program that is intended to provide advanced skills, identified by business and industry, which are not part of the degree. 

Occupational Skills Award

An Occupational Skills Award consists of between 9-14 credit hours and prepares students for basic skills employment. Students with a declared Occupational Skills Award major are exempt from TSI requirements.

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